11 JULY 1925, Page 11

Oxford University elected Lord Cave as b.:1. Chancellor last week

by 987 votes to 441 cast for Lord Oxford. The number of voters was small, for there are 7,601 on the roll, and smaller than those who voted when Lord Curzon was elected. From this we deduce that many graduates disliked the flavour of party politics which a few people tried to introduce, and which we regretted as much as anybody ; and, further, that the residents were not so " swamped " by out-voters as was expected. In so domestic a question we refrained from any comments before the election. Now we may congratulate Oxford upon having a Chancellor of dignity and learning who, if called upon for advice or decisions, will certainly give them with care and with wisdom. He is the kind of man needed for the post. And yet for sheer distinction Lord Oxford certainly stands above Lord Cave. The Prime Minister of 1914 will be remembered for ever in British history, and so far as scholarship counts, Lord Oxford and his sons are probably the most remarkable family of which Oxford can boast to-day.