11 JUNE 1870, Page 3

There is one great defect in the intellects of English

swindlers. They will have it that the public has some sense, yet nothing can be more certain than that it has none. It was proved on Tuesday at the Mansion house that one William Henry White had started an Insurance and Banking Company, in which he himself was really the Company, and which promised that every policyholder as well as shareholder should share the profits of the Company by the issue of coupons payable to bearer, " and by so doing get the interest of his money every six months, besides providing for him- self in case of sickness, old age, and death,"—and had found dupes. So did the Neapolitan who promised depositors five per cent. per mensem for their money, and so would an Englishman who opened a shop in the Strand and tried the same trick to-morrow. We are a " practical people," and therefore taken in by everythiu outside our own experience.