The Club And Drawing - Room. By Cecil Hay, M.a. 2 Vole.
(Hard- wicke.)—Mr. Hay, with considerable,—shall we call it courage?—" wishes it to be distinctly understood that ho has on every occasion, when it has been necessary to......
Restoration Of Health. By Thomas Inman, M.d. (h. K. Lewis.)—
Dr. Inman, whose medical theory may be described as mainly orthodox, with an inclination to eclecticism, writes on the subjects of his profes- sion for general readers, and, as......
An Old - Fashioned Girl. By Louisa M. Alcott, Author Of...
Women." (Sampson Low and Co.)—We are glad to see that Miss Alcott is becoming naturalized among us as a writer, and cannot help congratulating ourselves on having done something......
Martha Planebarke. A Romance. 3 Vols. (tinsley.)—when An...
"A Romance" on his title-page, he seems to give himself a licence to violate all probabilities. We take an instance out of the book before us. Martha Planebarke is an......
Possible Combinations Of Incidents? It Is De Rigueur That...
principal interest should lie in a love-story ; and there is still a strong prepossession in favour of this love story concerning two unmarried persons. The necessary obstacles......
The Lyrics Of Horace Done Into English Rhyme. By Thomas
C. Baring M.A. (Rivingtons.)—It does not impress one favourably to find on the very first page Horace calling Mteconas " thou guardian angel." But Mr. Baring's work, though very......
Sketches Of Modern Paris. Translated From The German By...
Locook. (Bentley).—Herr Abeling, the author of this book, is apparently a German resident of some standing in Paris, not so much in love with the place as Frenchmen commonly......