The Rumours Of M. 011ivier's Coming Fall Grow Very Thick.
He seems to have lost all hold on the Chamber, and to be main- tained by the Emperor alone, who would like M. Rouher better. It is said that he at last perceives what he ought......
The Spanish Cortes Are Going To Perform An Unusual Feat
; make a Queen Bee by Act of Parliament. All members are requested to be in their places on a day fixed for the election, and the candidate who obtains a majority out of the......
The First Peerage Conferred On An Irish Catholic For...
merit and service to the State since the reign of James II. has been conferred this week on the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, who is to be raised to the Peerage of the United......
The Statement That The Prince Of \vales Intends To Purchase
Tollymore Park has been denied on authority. The announcement will be received with deep regret by every Irishman, and every English Liberal who remembers that caste pride is as......
An Order In Council, Dated Juno 4th, Was Published On
Tuesday, directing that after 31st August next all entrance appointments to all situations in all civil departments of the State, except the Foreign Office, or posts requiring......
News Of The Week.
T HE author who had attained by far the greatest popularity ever won in a lifetime, Charles Dickens, died on Thursday, at his house at Gadshill, after an illness of little more......
Pero, The Foreign Quarter Of Constantinople, Has Been...
The fire broke out in the night of 5th June, and raged over a district a square mile in extent, and destroyed 20,000 houses, from 300 to 900 human beings, and the British......