We fear from the latest accounts published before going to
press that both the contest in the Isle of Wight and that in South Leicestershire are lost by the Liberals,—the latter certainly. Ac- cording to the Conservative return, Mr. Heygate had polled at 4 o'clock 2,955 votes against Mr. Paget's 2,421, leaving the Conser- vative candidate in a majority of 534. At the last election Mr. Paget polled 335 votes leas than the most popular of the Conservatives, so that in all probability when the official return is made by the returning officer, the state of parties in South Leicester- shire will be found to remain very much what it was. In the Isle of Wight, where the contest seems to have been one of con- siderable excitement, Mr. Moffatt appears never to have succeeded in heading the poll ; but the latest Conservative return we possess, that for two o'clock, puts him only in a minority of 68,-1,044 for Mr. Baillie Cochrane, against 970 for Mr. Moffatt. It is, there- fore, still barely possible that Mr. Moffatt may be returned, but he has few of the great advantages of position possessed by the late Sir John Simeon.