11 JUNE 1892, Page 23

MAGAZINES A.ND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. — We have received the following for June

:—The English Illustrated Magazine, Part 15 of the Universal Atlas, No. 1 of the Volunteer Service Magazine, Literary Opinion, Natural Science, the Bookman, the Expositor, the Religious Review of Reviews, the Expository Times, the United Service Magazine, the Review of Reviews, Macmillan's Magazine, Belgravia, Temple Bar, Scribner's Magazine, London Society, the Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Magazine, the Argosy, Lippincott's Magazine, the Cosmopolitan, the Albemarle, the Indian Magazine, the Idler, the Gentleman's Magazine, the Century, the Newberg House Magazine, Chambers's Journal, Good Words, the Quiver, the Sunday at Home, the Leisure Hour, the Monthly Packet, the Boy's Own Paper, St. Nicholas.