A Letter In The Calcutta Englishman Gives A Curious Account
of what is oddly termed the "criminal career" of a leopard, which in twenty-one months killed 154 human beings, amongst others forty-one boys, twenty-two girls, and forty old......
On Tuesday, The Convocation Of The University Of Oxford...
Dr. Fortnum's conditional offer to bequeath to that University the remainder of his collection of arclneological treasures, as well as his library, and to transfer to it £10,000......
Mr. Goschen Made A Speech At Hawkhurst, In Kent, On
Tuesday, in favour of the candidature of Mr. Lawrence- Hardy, the Conservative candidate for the Ashford Divi- sion of Kent. He remarked on the number of times the Government......
The New Oriental Bank, Which Took Over The Assets Of
the- previous institution of that name, has been compelled to go- into liquidation. The reason assigned is the fall in silver; but men engaged in Asiatic business would say that......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 96i.......
Professor Dicey, In A Lecture Delivered On Wednesday To The
Oxford Liberal Unionist Association, suggests that if Irish Home-rule were carried, the Protestants of Ulster, feeling themselves betrayed, might join the Roman Catholics in a......
The Times' Correspondent On The Prospects Of The...
Wales, assured us on Wednesday that there are several seats to be won there by a very little earnest effort, if the Welsh magnates would but exert themselves with anything like......
An Appeal By The Irish Nonconformists To The Noncon-...
of Great Britain has been published, in which they declare their belief that, if a Home-rule Parliament and Administration is given to Ireland, their religions liberties will be......
The Correspondent Of The Times In Berlin Reports For The
second time the official opinion in Germany that the famine has not been due to an accidental drought, but is the outcome of a steady decay of agricultural prosperity in Russia,......