11 JUNE 1892, Page 3

An appeal by the Irish Nonconformists to the Noncon- formists

of Great Britain has been published, in which they declare their belief that, if a Home-rule Parliament and Administration is given to Ireland, their religions liberties will be very seriously invaded ; Protestants will be taxed to support educational institutions of which only Roman Catholics will approve; the Sunday will be desecrated in Ireland ; and eventually the Catholic religion will be estab- lished. We cannot say that, though we despair of, we should disapprove the last-mentioned policy, if only it in- cluded the Protestant Churches and sects, and were carried out by the deliberate advice of an impartial representative assembly like the House of Commons. But if it were carried out by an Irish Parliament and Government, it would in all probability be a most unfair measure, of a kind to rouse the utmost indignation in the Protestant Churches of the island.