11 JUNE 1892, page 1

The Festival At Nancy Has Been A Great Success. The

French President has visited the old capital of Lorraine, has received all officials, has reviewed troops, and has been addressed by the clergy, the students, and the......

The Meeting Of The German And Russian Emperors, To Which

a certain importance is attached on the Continent, came off at Kiel on Tuesday. The Sovereigns met, with a great appearance of cordiality, in the harbour on board the German......

Mr. Chamberlain Made A Very Effective Speech On Tuesday To

a social meting of the chairmen and secretaries of the wards and divisions of the Birmingham Liberal Unionist Association, held at the offices of the Association. He spoke with......

News Of The Week.

T HE twenty-fifth anniversary of the Emperor Francis Joseph's coronation as King of Hungary occurred on Wed- nesday, and was marked by a grand reception given by Buda-Pesth to......

The House Of Commons Is Evidently In A Hurry For

the Dissolution, and disposed to wind up all preliminary business with the greatest rapidity. Mr. Balfour moved on Thursday that the whole time of the House be given to the......

'iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
