It simply shows that in one of the best educated
constituencies in the land there is an overwhelming feeling that economy simply must be forced upon the Government if the nation is to be saved 'trim bankruptcy. The thinking people see that by comparison nothing else matters. Judging from this election, one is inclined to say that if the Government were to go to the country now, not yet having proved their ability or adequate intention to put their financial house in order—for the present panic is not in itself proof—they could not be sure of winning a single seat. The financial facts are depressing in the extreme. The revenue is falling far behind the expendi. ture. Since the beginning of the present financial year on April 1st the revenue has showed a decrease of over £100,000,000 as compared with the same period last year. The Government would retort that they have been spending less than last year. Yes, they have spent £18,000,000 loss 1 Up to the present in this financial year they have spent £223,366,445, and the revenue has brought in only £155,372,970. The prospect is more taxation and no money to pay with.