In The House Of Commons On Wednesday, Sir Arthur Griffith
Boscawen announced—though the public had already learned the news in advance through the newspapers—that the Govern- ment had decided to decontrol agriculture. The Agriculture......
It Simply Shows That In One Of The Best Educated
constituencies in the land there is an overwhelming feeling that economy simply must be forced upon the Government if the nation is to be saved 'trim bankruptcy. The thinking......
The Reserves Would Not Have Been Disbanded Before The Coal
strike was settled if the Government had not felt that the time had come to save every penny even at some public risk. Another sign is the reduction of the unemployment doles......
If They Determined To Do This They Would Have Quite
a good case, and one can imagine how convincing it would seem when garnished with Mr, Lloyd George's skill in Presentation. He would point out that although the Government had......
News Of The Week.
T HEdaY of reckoning is upon the Government. During the past few days the whole nation, as never before, has become aware of the extraordinary gravity of the financial situation......
But If The Government Are Now Convinced That, As There
cannot be another great war for many years owing to the exhaustion of the world, it is safe to avoid spending money on national security, why do they go on with this key......
The Government Say, As It Were, " The Ship Is
in danger of sinking. It is true we have signed a contract to carry this cargo. If we do not jettison it, however, the ship herself will be lost with everybody on board." So far......
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