Who Are The Miners P [to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR."] Sru,—As a miner I was somewhat puzzled by the letters of " Ifidlander " and C. J. Eyres in your issue of May 28th. What exactly are they aiming at? Am I to......
The Population Of Ulster.
[To inc EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Stn,—In your issue of June 4th you make a comparison between the population of Ulster and other places. It would be interesting to compare......
The League Of Nations And Its Supporters. [to The Editor
Or THE " SPECTATOR."] 8m,—Warren Hastings illustrated in his life and conversa- tion the mens aequa rebus in arduis, and Mark Tapley was renowned for maintaining a cheerful......
The Humours Of The Ulster Election. [to The Editor 07
THE " SPECTATOR.") Six,—There has been an election in this county for the Ulster Parliament, and it has had its humours. There are so many traps and gins for the unwary in......