or THE " SPECTATOR.") Stn.,—I enclose a document which may interest your readers.— "Brief of an Address of George L. Fox against recognizing the Bastard and Pickayune Irish Republic before the Legis- lative Committee on Federal Relations of Connecticut Legisla- ture, April 28th, 1921.
1. As Ambassador Gerard said, the Sinn Fein Irishman is a Prussianized Irishman. 2. The Sinn Feiners were the Allies of the Germans in the World War and now hypocritically claim to be victors and demand the rights of victors. 3. Theodore Roosevelt justly denounced them as traitors to the United States, and they should be condemned as such by every loyal citizen of the United States. 4. In addition to being secessionist traitors to the United States they are also Bolshevistic assassins and robbers, for they are trying to steal from the loyal citizens of England, Ireland, and Scotland, who gave their lives and treasure for saving the world and ourselves from German tyranny and domination, several billion dollars of money, just as the Bolshevists of Russia have stolen the property of European citizens as well as of their own countrymen. 5. Every Sinn Feiner or Dominion Home Ruler is an enemy of the Constitution of the United States, a traitor to the principles of Lincoln's Gettysburg address, and an enemy of the foundation principles of the Republican party of 1861, epitomized in the famous words, ' Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable.' 6. The case of the United Kingdom against the Sinn Fein Ireland is five times as strong as that of the Northern States against the Southern Confederacy.
7. Just as the Irish Roman Catholic Bishops in the Pastoral letter, issued by the Provincial Roman Catholic Conference of May, 1861, did their best to tie the hands of Abraham Lincoln. and split the Union, so under President Wilson and under President -Harding the Irish Roman Catholics of the Sinn Fein stripe are trying to split the United Kingdom and to bring us
into war with the Mother Country, which for a hundred years has been far and away the best friend of the United States. 8. The Sinn Fein Irish under the lead of Cardinal O'Connell and Judge Cohalan did their best to win victory for Germany by keeping us out of the war as long as they could. There is just as much sickening moral inconsistency for them to demand now from the Peace Conference the independence of Sinn Fein Ireland as it would have been for a prostitute of Ancient Rome to demand admission to the order of the Vestal Virgins on the ground of chastity.
9. No body of people speaking the English language are so unfit for the privileges and responsibilities and duties of self- government as the Sinn Fein Irish, as is shown by their dis- graceful record of corrupt inefficiency in New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Dublin, Cork, and in Australia. 10. They are always howling about injustice, while they are the most unjust tyrants and boycotters in the world. They are always talking about lying English propaganda without any reason, while they are the most ardent followers of Ananias to be found in the United States. They are always bawling about freedom, liberty, independence, and democracy, when they are the most abject and slavish adherents to the most undemocratic institution in the world, the Roman Catholic Church, the quintessence of ecclesiastical tyranny, autocracy and im- perialism, where self-determination is anathema, and the consent of the governed accursed. The Pope is the exact counterpart of the Emperor of the Ancient Roman Empire, and the Bishops are either proconsuls or Persian satraps. 11. Not two per cent. of living Sinn Fein Irish could qualify for admission to the Sons of the American Revolution. Very few of their ancestors came to this country before 1850, and consequently can have no claim either to winning the Revolu- tion or to framing the Constitution of the United States. There was no Roman Catholic Bishop in this Republic until after the Revolution, and the first Roman Catholic church in Connecticut was built half a century after the United States Constitution was adopted. Since 1850 these Sinn Fein or Fenian Irish have contributed far more to make democratic govern- ment a failure, and far less to make it a success, than any other body of people."
[Here is yet another proof of the fact that it wants an American to deal really faithfully with the Southern Irish. Americans are not half so sentimental about the Dark Rosaleen as we are, and do not mind calling man-killing murder and treason treason. In our opinion Mr. Fox speaks too bitterly about the Papacy, but the Ultramontanes have brought such treatment on themselves by their refusal to dis- courage murder, sedition, and Bolshevism in Ireland. American opinion will never tolerate Machiavellian tactics of this sort.--• ED. Spectator.]