POEMS WORTEY oa CONSIDERATION. —The Hills of Arcetri. By Leolyn
Louise Everett. (John Lane. 5s.)—Vera fibre poems about Italy, chiefly landscape.--Gerard and Isabel. By F. W. Bourdillon. (Alexander Moring. 75. 6d.)—A pretty pseudo-mediaeval love-tale half in verse, half in decorated prose. The verse is poor, but the prose melodious and unaffected.
The Testament of William Windune. By James H. Wallis. (Humphrey Milford. 5s. 6d. net. )—The name poem is unsuccessful, but the book contains verse that is quite promising.—The Tale of Anthony Bell. By A. J. Munnings, A.R.A. (Published privately.)—Mr. Munnings can write of horses as well as paint them. This " hunting ballad " is delightful and completely unsophisticated.