11 MARCH 1911, Page 1

It is hardly necessary to add that the action of

the United States is in no sense unfriendly to the existing Mexican Government, and that it has not behind it any sinister move- ment either in the direction of annexation or of interference with Mexican internal affairs. It is, as we have said, nothing but the logical outcome of the Monroe Doctrine, which, by saying in peremptory tones " Hands off ! " to the European Powers, in certain eventualities renders " Hands on ! " abso- lutely necessary for the United States. President Taft's Message to the Mexican Government declaring that no inter- ference is intended is, of course, perfectly sincere, though in view of the extensive military and naval preparations it is bound to have a somewhat strange appearance. As to the actual progress of the insurrectionary movement in Mexico, very little information seems obtainable. The rumours as to President Diaz's health are also most conflicting. No doubt his death at the present moment would be a most serious matter for Mexico.