11 MARCH 1911, page 3

It Was Announced Last Saturday That Sir Edward Tennant Had

been appointed Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. In accordance with the usual practice, a Peerage has been conferred upon him at the same......

The Navy Estimates Were Published On Friday Morning. It Is

impossible ifor us to discuss at short notice so long and important a document. We may note, however, its salient features. Five new Dreadnoughts are to be laid down this year,......

, We Have Dealt With Mr. Haldane's Speech At The

Mansion House on Tuesday elsewhere. Here we wish to express the hope that the able and energetic men who have the organisation of the London Reserve in hand, whether under the......

Mr. Will Crooks Made Some Excellent Remarks On The Betting

evil at the Harringay Congregational Church on Sunday. He said that the man who had the moral courage to keep his money in his pocket when he was given a " certainty " for the......

On Tuesday, In The House Of Commons, The Second Reading

of the Revenue Bill was taken, and the discussion turned principally upon the new land taxes. In tbst ()aurae of it Mr. O'Brien attacked vehemently the Goveenzaesat's financial......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 31 Per Cent.

Mar. 9th. Consols (24) were on Friday 811—Friday week 814.......

What They Must Keep Before Londoners Is The Fact That

every trained man who does not now belong to any unit should at once send his name and address on a postcard to The Secretary, Veterans, Friar's House, New Broad Street, E.C.,......

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Went On To Declare That If His

voice could reach the Americans, he would say (we quote from the Times) : — "Remember that if you have founded a nation upon separation from the Mother Land, we Canadians have......

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Made A Memorable Speech In The Canadian

Reciprocity debate on Tuesday. It was received with enthusiasm by his supporters. He twitted the Conserva- tives with going back on the policy of Sir John Macdonald, who had......

We Are Glad To Hear That There Is A Considerable

feeling among supporters of the Government in favour of the aboli- tion of the Cocoa Duty. It will be remembered that the difference in the amount of the duty upon raw and......