11 MARCH 1911, Page 3

We are glad to hear that there is a considerable

feeling among supporters of the Government in favour of the aboli- tion of the Cocoa Duty. It will be remembered that the difference in the amount of the duty upon raw and manufac- tured • cocoa is so adjusted as to leave a slight balance of protection in favour of the home-manufactured article. Although this advantage is partly counterbalanced by the interference of the tax with the export trade, yet it would certainly be more satisfactory if all suspicion of any favour towards the cocoa trade could be removed. It will be remem- bered that when the question was raised last year, Mr. Rowntree, speaking, if we remember right, on behalf of the cocoa manufacturers, declared himself in favour of repealing the duty. As the amount of revenue which it brings in is so inconsiderable, it is to be hoped that the Chancellor of the Exchequer may see his way to carry out the reform in this year's Budget.