11 MARCH 1911, page 15

A League Of English Speech.

(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SFECTATOR.1 SIR, —Your issue of January 28th reached me late. If the subject of Sir Bampfylde Fuller's letter is not shelved I should like to add a word......

Payment Of Members.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR, — In your article of February 11th on "Payment of Members" you say : "Every thinking man admits that it is a most serious evil to......

Devastation By Reservoir.

[To THE EDITOU OP TIIE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,,— Apropos of your article about the proposed new reservoirs in the Thames Valley, may I be allowed to remind you that Londoners have......

The Spectator In A Red Indian's Grave.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR, —While making a survey of a small island in Quatsine Sound, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, last fall. I found an old Indian......

The Confirmation Test For English Churchmanship.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE ''SPECTATOR."] SIR, —In your issue of October 29th, 1910, I read with great interest and satisfaction the article by the Bishop of Carlisle on " The......

A Correction. [to The Editor Op The " Sfectator."i Sie,—in

your paper of March 4th the reviewer of " The Common Growth," by M. E. Loane, is pleased to insert by way of quotation :— " Gently comes the World To those who are cast in a......