11 MARCH 1911, Page 15


[To THE EDITOU OP TIIE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,,—Apropos of your article about the proposed new reservoirs in the Thames Valley, may I be allowed to remind you that Londoners have under their feet a natural reservoir infinitely larger than any they can make? I refer to the great basin of greensand in which the water level is steadily falling. If a big shaft were sunk down to the greensand at a con- venient point, and flood-water were allowed to flow down it (after being passed through a gravel filter to remove the larger particles in suspension), the greensand would do the rest of the filtering required, and a vast store of water would be accumulated. It would have to be pumped up again, of course, but against the cost of that can be put the saving in first cost of the reservoirs and the maintenance of them and the filter-beds. Incidentally it might thus be possible to prevent any future flooding of the valley lands.—I am,