11 MARCH 1911, Page 3

, We have dealt with Mr. Haldane's speech at the

Mansion House on Tuesday elsewhere. Here we wish to express the hope that the able and energetic men who have the organisation of the London Reserve in hand, whether under the County or under the City Association, will soon meet with the reward of their toil. As we have said in our leader columns, we are perfectly sure that the only real obstacle before them is the difficulty of getting the ordinary ex-Soldier, ex-Militiaman, and ex-Volunteer to realise that the Veteran Reserve is being formed, and thafr he is wanted to register his name and address. As soon as that difficulty is got over; the names will come in by the thousand. No doubt the local committees which it is hoped the Mayors of the twenty-eight Metropolitan Boroughs will be able to form, will greatly help in giving publicity to the scheme. They and all concerned must remember that Publicity, Pub- licity, and again Publicity, must be their rule of conduct.