11 MARCH 1911, Page 3

Sir Wilfrid Laurier made a memorable speech in the Canadian

Reciprocity debate on Tuesday. It was received with enthusiasm by his supporters. He twitted the Conserva- tives with going back on the policy of Sir John Macdonald, who had often offered Reciprocity to the United States, and had actually suggested for the free list many of the articles included in the present Agreement. Canada was now extra- ordinarily prosperous, yet there were men who wished to go no further. " Is this Canada," he exclaimed, "or is it China P " The policy of the Canadian Government was to find new markets wherever possible, and that policy would remain so long as the people approved. The argument that Reciprocity would end in the fusion of Canada with the United States was an insult to Canadians. There was not a vestige of the annexation spirit left.