11 MARCH 1911, Page 11



[To ring EDITOR OF THIN "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—M' ay I through your columns draw the attention of your influential circle of readers to the Imperial significance and commercial importance of the Coronation Exhibition to be held at the White City from May to October next ? In a letter which lately appeared in the press signed by the Duke of Teck, Honorary President, Lord Northcote, President, and myself, as Chairman, the Exhibition, as demonstrating the resources of the Mother Country and of Greater Britain, was termed a stock-taking of the Empire at the commencement of a new reign. The wonderful success of the Franco-British and the Japan-British Exhibitions, and the substantial increase in our trade with France and Japan resulting there- from, have shown how far-reaching are the effects of such national displays, and point to the great opportunity which is now afforded to our own manufacturers during this Coronation year of extending commerce within the Empire. We are con- stantly bearing of the good results which follow from exhibitions in foreign countries, and how Governments are nationally well repaid for any support they may accord to these enterprises. This Coronation Exhibition, we feel assured, is destined to lead not only to a great extension of commerce, but also to an increase of goodwill among the various peoples and races of which the British Empire is com- posed. My colleagues and myself would be obliged if you would be so good as to allow me to erect in the Spectator a sign-post pointing to this imperial and patriotic under- taking.—I am, Sir, &o., BLYTH, Chairman of the Council.

Exhibition Offices, Shepherd's Bush, W.