11 MARCH 1911, Page 13


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The purpose of my letter of November, 1910, was to show that the Labour Party in Australia, with an Osborne judgment expressly enacted on the Statute-book, had won to complete power, and that therefore the British Labour Party's request for the legislative reversal of that judgment had no reasonableness on the ground that it was necessary to make possible Labour representation in politics. I am sorry that I strayed from that point (which still holds good). I was not aware then that, having won to power, the Australian Labour Party had taken such a retrograde step. Since, several friends in Australia, readers of the Spectator, have called my attention to the error (or rather the lack of information), as Mr. Watter- son now does. As to the bad policy of that amendment I agree with Mr. Watterson, whilst refusing to follow him in his general condemnation of the Labour Party.—I am, Sir, &c.,