11 MARCH 1911, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE."1 Sin,—The public are entitled to some information as to the proposed Home Rule Bill. The demand of the Irish Nationalist and the desire of the British Radical seem very different. The former, along with complete self-government, demands that the wealthy country shall pay the bills of the poorer—judiciary, constabulary, old-age pensions, land purchase, &c., &c., whereas the Radical Britisher merely wants to get rid of a poor and troublesome relation on any terms except those of paying his bills. An old nursery rhyme occurs to me :-

"' Pudding and pie,' said Jane ; ' Oh, my !'

Which would you rather P ' said her father.

' Both,' said Jane, quite bold and plain."

If we are to have " both "—i.e. self-government and all bills paid—then, although not a convinced Home Raler,I agree with Jane. If we are to have self-government and also pay our own bills, then, as an Ulsterman, I demur.—I am, Sir, &c.,