11 MARCH 1911, Page 16


[To TER EDITOR or rHa " erscreroa."]

Sra,—Will you kindly allow me, through your columns, to bring before Old Etonians a matter of interest to them and to the School ? The memory of those who gave their lives for their country in the South African War is honoured in the Memorial Buildings at Eton. But it is felt that these ought to contain, for the benefit of those that come after, a portrait of the most eminent Old Etonian who took part in the war, Field-Marshal Earl Roberts, E.G., V.C. At the last general meeting of the Old Etonian Association a resolution in favour of presenting a portrait of Lord Roberts to the School was carried unanimously. I have been asked to take steps to bring the matter to the knowledge of Etonians generally and to invite their aid. It is proposed to limit donItions to a maximum of two guineas. Donations, and promises of Ci7,nations, should be sent to the Hon. Secretary, Old Etonian Association, Mr. Ainger, at Eton. It is hoped that the response to this letter may enable us to make further arrangements before the Easter holidays.—I am, Sir, &c.,

EDMOND WARRE, Provost of Eton.