11 MARCH 1911, Page 25

The Love of Jesus : a Manual of Prayer, Meditation

and Prepara- tion for Holy Communion. By Sir Henry Lunn. (Hodder and Stoughton. ls. 6d. net.)—Sir Henry Lunn has put together in this little volume a number of devotional exercises which may be used both before and after receiving the Eucharist. Churchmen will be interested to see how " the people called Methodists " celebrate this rite. Their service differs little from the Anglican form. The Offertory sentences are differently arranged, those from the Book of Tobit being omitted. The Exhortation is shortened, and there are no directions for the "manual acts" in the Prayer of Consecration. The letter which Sir Henry Lunn addresses to his Wesleyan brethren is very interesting. Tiand its substance briefly, he wishes them to be better Churchmen, to have more regard to the Church's year, and to fast.