Though we, and a great many people with like minds,
deplored the Government's Irish policy, we were willing, when the country. was irrevocably committed to it, to support Mr. Lloyd George, lest worse things should happen. It is usually safer to let an Alpine guide, who has made a dangerous blunder, get you out. of the difficulties in his own way, than to take the guiding out of his hands in the middle of a glacier and with night coming on. But now the guide is apparently going to throw up the task on the first plausible excuse ! That being so, the only wise thing is to let Mr. Lloyd George go. The Unionist Party can then pull itself together, and "lay to mend a broken character and Con- stitution." No doubt that task has been rendered much more difficult by the revolt of the Die-Hards, but still it should be possible, with a little good-will, ar41 if only the Unionist leaders. will have faith in themselves. They must give up hankering after a Wizard from the Welsh mountains, to cast a spell over them. It will be much better worth their while to get the Die-Hards back than to cling to the skirts of Mr. Lloyd George and the National Liberals.