The Engineering And Shipbuilding Crisis. [to Me Editor Or...
" SPECTATOR.") Sia.—We are faced with an immediate crisis: an extensive lock-out is threatened in the engineering industry, and there is every reason to believe that the issue......
The Export Of Horses For Butchery. [to The Edttor Of
THE "SPECTATOR."] have recently visited Leith, Glasgow, Hull, and Goole to EC° the results of our Campaign Against the Export of Horses for Butchery. That export is considerably......
Life In Kenya Colony.
[To THE EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Perhaps you may care to make use in your columns of the enclosed extract from a letter received . from a settler in Kenya Colony,......
Prohibition In America.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Ssa,—In view of the various and varying reports of the results of Prohibition in the United States, I am sending you the following......