" SPECTATOR.") Sia.—We are faced with an immediate crisis: an extensive lock-out is threatened in the engineering industry, and there is every reason to believe that the issue is not without its moral principle. Before forming an opinion on the subject it is necessary to understand the position in all its bearings, and it is certain that the knowledge cannot be gained from our daily Press. It may, therefore, be helpful to the clergy and others to hear of the Cambridge House Bulletins, which are Issued in any time of crisis. They are prepared by economists from an ex parte point of view; they make no attempt to define any principle Or form any conclusion, but merely outline the facts from information collected through every available channel. Their value. is unquestionable. A bulletin upon the engineering crisis is expected at once, and copies may be obtained from me on receipt of 4d. in stamps to cover cost and postage. For a contribution of 5s. we can forward every bulletin issued during the year. it occurred to Me that this Information might be helpful at this moment, and I should be grateful if you could insert it in your correspondence columns.
—I am, Sir, &c., P. T. R. KIRK, General Director. Industrial Christian Fellowship, Church House, Westminster, S.W.