The Kingfisher. By Phyllis Bottome. (collins. 7s. 6d....
Kincfisher opens in rather a sensational manner with the hero, Jim Barton, at about the age of 14, killing his father—who in a drunken fit has attacked Jim's mother—and being......
THREE NOVELS WORTH READING. The Prisoners of Hartling. By T. D. Beresford. (Collins. 7s. 6d. net.)—In spite of the originality of its theme, Mr. J. D. Beresford's new story, The......
France And England.
PROFESSOR TOUT, our greatest mediaevalist, has published in an enlarged form four lectures which he gave before the University of Rennes last year on France and England : their......
It Should Be Said That This Novel And Mr. Beregford's
The Prisoners of Hay/ring—mentioned above—are entirely free from sex problems. They could both indeed have been read with perfect propriety by the respectable and innocent......
Old Scottish Clockiaakers.
THE skilled craftsmen of long ago, who made the grandfather clocks that keep time, year in and year out, and give no trouble, deserve to be remembered. We are glad to call......