Ssa,—In view of the various and varying reports of the results of Prohibition in the United States, I am sending you the following particulars which come from Major Haynes, Federal Prohibition Commissioner. They show that, notwithstanding the slackness of the enforcement of the law, the Prohibition Act is certainly vindicating itself:— "There has been a decrease of about sixty per cent. in the number of arrests for druukenne=ss under national prohibition. In fifty-nine cities of the United States having a population of 300,000 or over, and a combined population Of 20,200,000, includ- ing New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia, the official figures show a decrease in arrests for drunkenness from 316.842 in
1917, 260,169 in 1918, to 172,659 in 1919, and to 109,768 in 1920.. Detroit reduced the arrests for drunkenness from 19,309 iii 1917 to 0,244 in 1920. The Boston police department reported 5,237 fewer arrests for all causes in 1920 than from drunken-. ness in 1919. For the State of Massachusetts at large, the arrests for drunkenness in 1920 were 32,580, as against 77,925 in 1919. In 1917 the arrests for drunkenness in New York wore 14,182; in 1920 the number had dropped to 5,813. The number of cases of intoxication in Cincinnati decreased from 1,470 in 1918 to 335 in 1920."
129 Maplewood A renue, Germanstoten, Philadelphia, Pa.