Sir Arthur Balfour made an earnest appeal at the City
Carlton Club on Tuesday for the maintenance of the Coalition. The two- party system was a fair-weather system ; it was not practicable during the War, and the difficulties now to be faced were more complicated than. the War problems. We could only deal with the general unrest by co-operation. Moreover, the- old party- differences had vanished. Sir Arthur Balfour declared that he had never known a Government in which there was greater harmony of purpose. He praised the Prime Minister for his courage, his resource, and his originality. What was the use of abusing him, even if he was not superhumanly perfect ? He was "one of the greatest figures of one of the greatest periods of the world's history." Conservatives must continue heartily to support this "great co-operative national party," upon whose leaders depended the wise steering of the British Empire through moments of very great difficulty.