[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sia,—Last autumn you gave prominence to some corre- spondence describing the keeping of an animal week-end in Jamaica under the auspices of the Church.
The children of the Jamaica parish took their animal pets to the schoolroom on Saturday and prizes were awarded to the masters or mistresses of the best kept and happiest looking creatures. The Church services on the following Sunday were given a special character. Nature, with special reference to creature life, was, so to speak, the theme of the day.
We tried a similar week-end here last Saturday and Sunday and it worked out so happily and showed such promise of being an extraordinary good way of creating a right attitude to animal life that we are going to repeat the festival annually.
We thought that, as your paper was the means of putting (a) The Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire, e/o the Zoological Society, Regent's Park, N.W. 1.
(b) The National Council for Animal's Welfare, it Lincoln's Inn Meta; W.C. 2. the idea before us, you might be interested to know of its successful adoption here.—I am, Sir, &c., A. LYNCH, Vicar. The Vicarage, Ursirick, Ulafrston, Lancs.
[We are glad to think that a letter in the Spectator was t.% means of spreading this excellent idea. We hope that Urswielt will have many emulators.—En. Spectator.]