The American Attitude Ought To Be Clearly Understood. Mr....
yielded to the French thesis that trained reservists should not be reckoned in estimates of military strength, not in the least - because' he had changed his mind, but because......
We Should Think, However, That Sir John Simon Will Find
it difficult to reconcile his present exultation over Mr. Lloyd George's " conquest of unemployment " with what he said only last September. A correspondent of the Daily......
Sir John Simon's Seat In Dissuading- The Conservatives Of...
Valley from running a candidate against Sir John Simon, Mr. Baldwin has done a characteristically generous thing. It will " pay " him, we are sure—to put the matter on very low......
The Chief Progress, If It May Be Described As Such,
in the military controversy took the form of two agreements. First, it was agreed that statements of national expen- diture on war material should be sent annually to the......
The Independent Labour Party The Independent Labour...
to be expected, is not pleased with Mr. Ramsay MacDonald's programme. The New Leader, the organ of the Independent Labour Party, says that it will not pause in the Election......
Disarmament On Monday, The Preparatory Commission Of The...
Conference adjourned, and will probably not meet again until after the next Assembly of the League. Although much which will make history has happened during the meeting, the......
We Sincerely Hope That The Examination Of The Details...
for naval reduction as proposed by Mr. Gibson will be as prompt as possible. The guns, armour, age, speed, radius of action, and so on, of cruisers will have to be reduced to a......
The Government Are Morally Right In Their Firm Rejection Of
a scheme of sacrifice which is proposed by America but in which - America does not appreciably .. share. We notice with regret, however, that members of, the Labour and. Liberal......