The Whole Scheme Represents A Present Capital Value Of About
£1,800,000,000 as compared with the £1,800,000,000 which Germany originally offered. The Allies originally claimed £600,000,000 for Reparations proper, and as £500,000,000 is......
We Always Expected That If A Deadlock Was Reached —and
it was reached in the middle of last week—Mr. Owen Young, the American representative, would come forward with some proposal half-way between what the Allies demanded and what......
News Of The Week
Reparations I N the Reparations controversy the week has been fruitful of ups .and downs,' singular reversals of expectations, and, finally, a crisis which is not resolved when......
Before We Come To The Surprising Proposal Which Upset This
fair prospect let us look at the figures of the latest German offer. Germany would make 37 annual payments at an average rate of about £103,000,000. From the 87th to the 58th......
The Government Are Morally Right In Their Firm Rejection Of
a scheme of sacrifice which is proposed by America but in which - America does not appreciably .. share. We notice with regret, however, that members of, the Labour and. Liberal......
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