[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIa,— Tabor Academy, at Marion on the Massachusetts coast, has renewed the invitation (noted in the Spectator a year ago) for two British boys aged 16 or 17 to- be its guests at the Summer Course of seven weeks beginning in July 1929. The boys would receive tuition and living accommoda- tion for which their American school-mates would be paying £70 ($350). The Academy does not pay travelling expenses to and from the Academy, nor does it provide the boys with clothing.
Instruction is offered in English, Latin, Mathematics, History, and French, by a competent staff of seven masters, representing five of the best New England colleges. Normally the boy takes not more than two subjects, so that he has the advantage of continuous tutoring in whatever he needs the most. All the students are housed in the attractive new resi- dence hall located on the shore of the harbour. Mornings, after chapel, and evenings are devoted to intensive study. Afternoons are given over to sports, particularly those per- taining to the seashore, though golf, tennis, and baseball are also popular. The Academy insists that only the highest type of boys be recommended to it—fine types of British youth with sufficient adaptability to enable them to conform to American conditions. Two British boys went over in 1928, and the Academy was so pleased with the results that it has renewed the invitation for 1929. Communications in regard to the above may be addressed to the American University Union, 50 Russell Square, London, W.C. 1.—I am, Sir, &c., N. T. Dowurro, Director.
[We are sure there will be many applicants in response to this delightful and generous offer.—En. Spectator.]