[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—Your -correspondent " Wanderer " is perfectly correct in stating that there is no memorial to Edward Gibbon Wakefield in New Zealand, for whose colonization he was respohsible. He will, however; • be pleased to learn that a small amount of money was placed on the Estimates last year " on account " of a memorial to Wakefield and his brother William; who led the first expedition to Wellington. It is hoped that it will not be long before a memorial materialiies. Sir Joseph Ward, now Prime Minister, expressed sympathy with the -plan when in London last year and also ihipp'orted "a movement which proved resultless twenty years ago: But public opinion is much more favourable now and the Gretna Green episodes of Wakefield's career have been placed in a proper perspective.—I am, Sir, &c., -
[We hope that the proposal to erect a memorial to Edward Gibbon Wakefield in New Zealand will be successful. It certainly ought to be.—En. Spectator.]