Some Books of the Week
DURING the past month the books most in demand at The Times Book Club have been :— Noe-Frarrosr.—Memoirs of an Old Parliamentarian,, by the Rt. Hon. T. P. O'Connor ; Zola and His Time, by Matthew Josephson ; Isadora Duncan's Russian Days, by Irma Duncan and A. R. Macdougall ; Detective and Secret Service Days, by E. T. Woodhall ; London Town, by J. B. Booth ; House of Memories, by 'Barbara Wilson ; -Aspects of Biography, by Andre Maurois.
FICTION.—Dodsworth, by Sinclair.Lewis ; Six Mrs. Greens, by Lorna Rea ; A Family That Was, by Ernest Raymond ; Two Made Their Bed, by Louis Marlow ; The Rich Young Man, by G. M. Attenborough ; Calf Love, by Vernon Bartlett ; Drums of Youth, by Margery Lawrence.