Communist Disturbances in Berlin That May Day " Labour "
demonstrations are now virtually confined to Communist fanatics and hapless tights is a sure sign, of the times. In Berlin the general picture of comedy was tinged with tragedy and blood- shed, partly because the Communist Party is more militant in Germany than anywhere else—even than in France--and partly because of ruthless police action, which this year resumed a pre-War severity. There is some piquancy in the fact that the " riots " were dealt with by police under the orders of a Socialist Prefect responsible to a Socialist Government. The working- class district, Neukolln, was for a time placed in a State of siege, but the latest news shows that the disturb- ances are at an end. Opinion throughout the country, however, is fairly aroused, and we may hope that the order for the dissolution of the several semi-military Communist organizations will be extended from Prussia to the other States of the Reich. Herr Severing has already obtained the support of the Bavarian Govern- ment for such a measure.