More Books of the Week
(Continued from page 745.) As if to drive home the fact that the Church is very much alive, the London diocese has started on a literary venture which deserves every encouragement. Under the editorship • of the Rev. A. S.'Duhcan-Jones, the Saint Pours Review,
a quarterly, price (Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge), presents an admirable mixture of things grave and gay pertaining to •London and her church. (The use of the singular in the Bishop of Londoh'S Foreword Is significant) Dean Inge, Miss Rose Macaulay, and Dr. Biclaiell are among ,,the contributors. There is alio an interview with Sir Gerald du Maurier, and notes on " Recent- Plays_" describe Porgij as a fascinating study. We areVlad - to see the association of Church and • Stage maintained. ' -
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