Financial Notes
ALTHOUGH the approach of the Whitsuntide Holiday; to followed almost immediately by the General Election, bat tended to restrict dealings in public securities during the week, the tone had been fairly cheerful in most ma This has been due in the first place to further sub arrivals of gold to the Bank of England aild in the second to a revival of hopes of a favourable outcome of the Repara Conference*. Those who may have read my article last upon the Reparations problem will have appreciated importance which attached to the Conference ulti reaching some kind of mutual agreement. It is in the that such agreement will be reached that some of the leadenl markets have retained their cheerfulness, notwithstandill the disturbing influences which always attend uncertaintil with relation to the outcome of General Elections. Britw Funds and kindred stocks have been firm throughout the wetk while there has been a renewal of activity in some of the leadil industrial descriptions. Nevertheless, it should be dew understood that notwithstanding the gold influx, the moue 1 "situation must remain obscure, and even unpromising, long as Wall Street speculation continues to be active high money rates in New York.
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