&oaf EXCHA24.914. FRIDAY .4.FTERSOok.
The English Stock Market has varied but slightly ;• the range of fluctua- tion of Consols having been from 961 to 97, and the closing pnee this after- noon being 964 97. Some interest was attached to the meeting of the Bank Directors yesterday, when it was imagined that, in consequence of the recent stoppage of banks in Monmouthshire, and the unfavourable state of the money-market in New York, a rise in the rate of discount might be de- termined on. Consols consequently fell about f per cent ; but recovered the. lost ground as soon as it was ascertained that no alteration in the ratehad oc- curred. The business of the week has been unimportant. The books of all those Stocks the dividends upon which become due today, will open for private transfer tomorrow : the dividends will be paid to the public on Tuesday. Some of the gold from the mining district near Bathurst in New South Wales was exhibited at Lloyd's yesterday, by Mr. Duncan Dunbar, the emi- nent shipowner, to whom it was consigned. The largest piece weighed four pounds.
In the Foreign Market, the business has been unusually limited. Mexi- can Bonds were at one period about f per cent above our last prices ; but have since fallen back, and are today nearly as last week. By the last packet, a remittance of 41,000 dollars was received on account of the divi- dends, and a communication from M. Falconnet, the agent of the bondhold- ers in Mexico, stating the receipt from Messrs. Manning and Marshall of acceptances to the amount of 250,000 dollars, being the sum due from those gentlemen to the bondholders. Peruvian and the South American Bonds are generally firmer. Spanish Stock of all varieties is also without change ; while in Portuguese Bends the transactions have been insignificant. The Northern European Stocks are without vitality or fluctuation. Sardinian Scrip has fluctuated between 21 and lf discount. The Bonds are heavier, and may be quoted at from 82 to 83.
The Railway. Share Market has been in a more tranquil state than usual; prices today being for the principal Shares from IL to 21. lower than last week. Lancashire and Yorkshire and Midland Stock still continue scarce, and were yesterday sold about 12s. 6d. per share higher for Money than for Ac- count. The French Shares are all nominally lower, in consequence of the heaviness of the Parisian money-market. The transactions in them on foreign account have been few, and there does not appear any desire in the. English capitalists to make choice of them as objects of speculation or invest- ment.
The state of the quarter's Revenue is considered very satisfactory. The French Funds declined again in Parisyesterday. Our own Stocks are, how- ever, firm at yesterday's quotations; Consols being 96 97. The business of. the morning has as yet been confined to Reduced anti Three-and-a-quarter per Cents, the transactions in Consols having been very few. The bereign Stocks are all rather firmer: the Railway Shares without material change. The following are the prinoipal transactions-Caledonian, 124; East Lance- shire, 14f ; Great Northern, 16.1 ; Great Western, 831 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 66; Brit/Mem* Nei., Midland, 491,; Reading, Guildford, and Rei- gate, 214 1. The English lee being i per cent
• *
Ti'l 1-03:34nartivvr rectoex. atiek Marks is-heavy,. At closing, below the opening prices. The transactions of- the morning have, however, been unimportant. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been con- fined to the following-Mexican 271; Sardinian Stock, .82; Spanish Three per Ceuta, 381 ; Dutch Four percents; 92. The Railway Share Market is not quite so firm ; the following,are the principal barLams recorded-Bristol and Exeter, 79 ;-, Caledonian_ 121 1 24; Chester and nolyhead, 181 1; Eastern Counties, Ti. Et* Laneashire, 141; Great Northern 16f; Great Western, 83/ 3 21; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 56 511; Ditto West Riding Union, ,-,,,; London and Black- wall, 7; London, Bnghton, and South Coast, 94/ ; London and North- western, 117 16f ; London and South-western, 84 3f ; Midland, 491 9 81 ; North British, sib 6; North Staftbrdahire, 91 1; Scottish Central, 14: South-eastern and Dover, 191 f ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 181; Ditto Extension, ; York and North Midland, 191; Reading, Guildford, and• Reigate 211 I; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 111.; Ditto Consolidated and Birmingham 6 per Cent, 127}; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 151 6 per Cent, 64; Australasian, 371; London Joint Stock, at *,
S per Cent Consols
961 97 Ditto for Account
.97 3 per Cent Reduced .. ..... •
3.1 per Cents
f Long Annuities
- Bank Stock
2114 12i Exchequer Bills...." .....
96 48 pm.
India Stock
260 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents
85 7 Belgian 44 .per Cents
93 5 Milian 6 per Cents
102 4 Danish S per Cents
102 3 Ditto 3 per Cents
76 8 4 .
Dutch 24per Cents. ' 581 9
Ditto 4 per Cebts •..- 914 2.4
Mexican 5 per Cents 1816 274 4
Peruvian 6 per Cali
Portirgutse 4 per Cents 1 B42 . '1;1382141 l s - Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 tle 8
Russian 5 per Cents 014 I
Ditto 44 per Cents ,Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 201121 is.
374 Ei Ditto 5 per Cents 1842 Sardinian Scrip Dittoltonds 82 3