Trttrro To Thr Itttot.
CHRISTIAN SOCIALISM AND THE QUARTERLY REVIEW. Trin. Coll. Cambridge, 7th October 1851.. Every Englishman, who takes any interest in the political and social movements of his age......
A Specific Against Colds.
IT always rains at Manchester, they say ; but history will now add, ex- cept when Queen Victoria is there. An interesting question was dis- cussed by the speculative—will the......
Railway Dynamics.
AN UNSCIENTIFIC DIALOGUE. Intelligent Little Boy—Mamma, what is the came of railway acci- dents ? Mother—The cause, my dear, is this. When heavy bodies travel on the same path......
Raw Notions On Raw Material Of Taxation.
Ma. DISRAELI cannot understand how Mr. John Stuart Mill de- nies that the land is " raw material." Mr. Mill explains raw ma- terial to be that which is taken by industry from......