The Quarterly Official Returns Of Revenue Continue To...
prosperity , and the monthly returns of the Board of Trade are equally cheering. There is an increase both in the receipts of the Customs and Excise as compared with the......
News Of The Week.
Ton the first time since the accession of the house of Brunswick— 'for the first lime indeed, since the Revolution—Manchester and Liverpool have been honoured with the presence......
There Is Undoubtedly A Deep And Very Extended Sympathy With
Hungrily in the English mind ; and on this account the liberation of Kossuth and his companions by the Turkish Government, and their expected arrival on our shores, have been......
Lord John Russell's Reply To The Intemperate Letter Of The
Earl of Luean is marked by sound sense and quiet dignity. Even the Jeremy Diddlers of Mayo appear to feel the force of the simply impressive rebuke. At the provincial meeting of......
Grave Physicians Tell Us It Is Wholesome To Rise From
table with an appetite. Still graver moralists love to descant on the wisdom of not draining the cup of pleasure .. to the dregs. Physically and morally, therefore, it is matter......