On theleth April, lit-WAlington, .Now Zealand, the-WM of 'Lleutenant•Colonel
2.1'Cleverts, Deputy-Quartermaster-General, of a daughter.
On the fat October, at Eaglescarnie, the .Lady of-Captain the-lion. George Grey,
R.N., of a son.
On the 2d, at Albury.Park,the -Lady Loraine, Of a son. . On the 4th, at Moncrieffe House, Perthshire, the Lady Louisa Moncrieffe, -of .a
On the 5th, . at 'Dahlia,: the Hon.-Afro. Abercromby,- cif . daughter. On the 7t1i,in Moray Place;Edinburgh, the ViacountessIleidAtaven, via son.
On-the-18th September, at St. Paul's Church, London, Canada West, Captain -Barreiro, Royal Artillery, toJane,- eldest daughter albeit-el-email Benjamin Cronyn, Rector of London.
On the let October, at Glenferness House, Captain Richard Roney, .Ninc
Regiment, to Rose Anne, second daughter of John Done*, Seq., of 0614 Nairnshire.
On the 2d, at Harrow, James -Dixon, E9.,-of Bread -Street Buildings,,to.Mary Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Sir Francis Simkinson, Q.C.
On the 4th, at Eastbourne, the Rev. Henry Owen, MA., Rector of Ileveningham, Suffolk, to 'Annie, second daughter, of the late Davies Gilbert, -Esq., of Trearoa, in the-countyof Cornwall, and of Eastbourne, Sussex, many years M.P. for Bodmin, and President of the'Royal Society. On the- eth, at llookworthy, 'Devon, the Rev. John 'Turner, -Sector of .Aseibrittle and Stoke-.Pero, Somerset, to Isabella Mary, Widow of the late Captain William Abler, -R.N.,ef Ilfracombe. 'On the 6th, at-St. John's, Hyde Park, Sir Charles' arshall, late Chief Justice of Ceylon,-to 'Mary, Widow of the late-John-Cox, of Hyde Bark:Street. On the7th, at St. George's, -Hanover-Square, She Rev.Willhan Carns,:fienier :Fel- low of Trinity College, Cambridge, Canon of Winchester, to Maria Elizabeth, eldest daughter -of the Rev. 'Edward Selwyn, Rector of liemingford Abbatts, Huntingdonshire. On the -7th, at St. Mary's, Bryanetone Square, Major Ill'Mahon, eldest son of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas MMabou, Bart., 'C.C.S., to Dora Pauline, youngest
daughter of Evan Hamilton of Gloucester 'Place, PortnianSquare.
.0n tlaeltb, at St. Peter's 'Church, Eaton Square, John Davies Gilbert, ;Esq., of Trelipioli, Cornwall, and-61 Eastbourne, 'Sussex, to Anne Dorothea, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Robert Shapland Baron Carew. -Ontheeth, stSt. Matthew's, Brix' ton. John C. W. Lever, Esq., ILD., of Welling- ton-Street, London :Bridge, to Mary Anna, daughter of Charles Farebrotber, Esq.. tff Stoat -flease,-Stockwell,-and Alderman of the-thty of :London.
thell2lla _August, 'at Calcutta, J. E. D. Bethune,ilisq., of Balfour, county of Life,'LegislativeMember of -the:Supreme Council. 'On the leth -September, at Bytown, Canada East,..the 'Han. Vary 'Frederick Wife of Colonel Dvneley,.C.B., Colonelnommruiding the-Royal Artillery in Canada. On the 'Yelverton 'Place, Twickenham, Mrs. Sherwood, the authoress; is heerhei--yeter. On the 1st Octobet,:neser 'El,gin;rivcoant 'Bolhvbroke; tirlihrSeth Teter. On thelat,st,Wykeliam Abbey, the Hon. Marmaduke .Langter; in his 73th year.
On the 2d, in St. Margaret's Terrace, Cheltenham, John Baron, M.D., F.R.S. On the 3d, at Basildon, Berks, the Lady D. G. Hallyburton, Widow of the Lord Douglas Gordon Hallyburton, of Piteur, N.B.; in her 74th year. On the 3d, at Boated Park, the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool. On the 4th, at Hampton Court, the Right Hon. George William Lord Stafford ; in his 81st year. On the 4th, at Avignon, in consequence of an accident on board the Rhone steam- boat, Edward, the youngest son of Jules Benedict, Esq., of Manchester Square; in his 12th year. On the 4th, in Bankeillor Street, Edinburgh, Captain D. W. Ross, late of H. M.
Thirty-fourth Regiment. On the Sth, at Burlingham Hall, Norfolk, Jane, Wife of Henry Negus Burroughes, Esq., M.P. On the Sth, in Bedford Square, the Rev. James Endell Tyler, Rector of St. Giles's in his 62d year. On the 7th, at Millards Hill, Frome, Carolina Amelia, Widow of Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Courtenay Boyle ; in her 79th year. On the 8th, at Edinburgh, William M. Gunn, LL.D., one of the Masters of the High School. On the 8th, at East Heath Lodge, Berke, John Benjamin, only son of Sir Benja- min Smith.