Tuesday, October 7.
PARTNERSHIPS DissotvEn.-Wensley and Barrett, Newgate Market, victuallers- Lockwood and Steele, Leicester, drapers-Chapman and Moore, Old Bond Street, hatters-Stevenson and Merrishaw, Derby, mercers-Pease and Gardam, Bradford, Yorkshire, brass-founders-Wickham and Butler, Winchester, surgeons-J. G. and E. V. Collingwood, Lamb's Conduit Street, butchers-W. P. B. and C. J. Freeman, Norwich, upholsterers-Derry and Westlake, Plymouth, carriers-Cliff and Son, Knottingley, Yorkshire, ship-builders-M'Leod and Bradshaw, Chorley, Lancashire, plumbers-Ayckbourn and Cobian, Strand, waterproofers-James and Randall, Edgeware Road, window-blind-makers-Entwisle and Orrell, Manchester, cotton- manufacturers-E. W. and J. Cryer, Manchester, timber-merchants-Cowell and Loynd, Yate, cloth-manufacturers-Clifton and Ramwell, Pendleton, silk-dyers- Jones and Turner, Manchester, carvers-Perfect and Hayman, West Mailing, sur- geons-Varnish and Co. Berners Street, patent-glass-silverers-Thompson. and Co. Manchester, coal-merchants-Walker and Wilkinson, Eckington, Derbyshire, spade- manufacturers.
RANERUPTS.-JACOB and WILLIAX Massa, Brighton, brewers, to surrender Oct. 17, Nov. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Linklater, Charlotte Bow; official assignee, Groom, Abehurch Lane-Witmax Hoosansa, Brighton, money-scrivener, Oct. 21, Nov. 13 : solicitors, Sowton, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; Evershed and Kennett, Brighton ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Wrtmem HARTRIDGE, Milton-next-Sittingbounie, Kent, draper, Oct. 13, Nov. 20 : solicitor, Jones, Sise Lane; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Wixttsx Slams WHATFORD, Brighton, dentist, Oct. 17, Nov. 21 : solicitors, Sowton, Great James Street, Bed- ford Row; Kennett, Brighton ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street- THOMAS BRAY, Haseley, Warwickshire, miller, Oct. 21, Nov. 12: solicitor, Bridges, Birmingham ; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham-Virtual( Cox, Smethwick, Staffordshire, iron-manufacturer, Oct. 18, Nov. 12: solicitor, James, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-tonic ALLAN, Carmarthen, tea-dealer, Oct. 22, Nov. 19: solicitor, Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol- JOHN WHITEHEAD and RICHARD COTTAX, now or late Of Blackburn, machine- makers, Oct. 17, Nov. 7: solicitor, Makinson, Manchester ; official assignee, Lee, Manchester.
Divinrains.-Oct. 24, Acomb, (and not Ascomb, as advertised in last Friday's Ga- zette,) Blackburn, draper-Nov. 3, Miles, Pontypridd, Glamorganshire, grocer- Oct. 29, Williams, Exeter, wine-merchant-Oct. 29, APGibbon and Galbreath, Hull, merchants.
CZETIFICATES.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nseeting.-Oct. 30, M'Murray, Liverpool, merchant-Nov. 5, Hunt, Hull, merchant -Nov. 4, Williams, Exeter, wine-merchant.
Scarcer SEQUESTRATIONS.-Fraser, Inverness, lodging-house-keeper, Oct. 11, Nov. 3-Faulds, Renfrew, coal.master, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 -M.Farlane. Glasgow, horse-dea- ler, Oct. 13, Nov. 3-Gilbert, Edinburgh, spirit-dealer, Oct. 16, Nov. 3-Nicoleon, Bayherivay, Island of Barra, doctor of medicine, Oct. 17, Nov. 14.
Friday, October 10.
Passznistimrps DISSOLTED.-Nicholls and Oldham, Tooley Street, potato-salesmen. -Smith and Brodribb, Bermondsey New Road, soap-makers-Maitland and Fawkes, Great Tower Street, colonial-brokers-Jones and Co. Chapelfield within Pilkington, Lancashire, iron-founders--Coles and Bulbeck, Portsmouth, drapers-Roberts and Co. Liverpool, linen-drapers-T. and A. Mann, Gloucester, wine-merchants-Birns- tingl and Co. Broad Street Buildings, merchants-J. and S. Blackman, Hooe, Sus- sex, farmers-Moule and Co. Liverpool, agents-Tweedy and Hoskin, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, builders-Macbridge and Co. Watling Street, wine-merchants-I. and
L. Hart, Somerset Street, Whitechapel, cigar-manufacturers-Colbourn and Grow- cutt ; as far as regards the Banklield Works, Sedgley. Staffordshire. RANERUPTIL-WILLIAM WADSWORTH BRAINIER and RICHARD BRAGGER ,junior, be Camrwell Green, dealers in hosiery, to surrender Oct. 20, Nov. 20: so nitor, Goddard, King Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Build- ings, Moorgate Street-FaAsien DAWSON, Great Yarmouth, draper, Oct. 18, Nov. 20 : solicitor, Catlin, Ely Place ; official assignee, Bell. Coleman Street Buildings- Ryon M'Cott, South Shields, bookseller, Oct. 17, Nov. 25 : solicitors, Maples and Co. Frederick's Place, Old Jewry; Leitch and Kewney, North Shields ; official as- signee, Wakley, Newcastle-upou-Tyne. DIVIDEMDS.-Nov. 4, West, Hand Court, Dowgate, printer-Nov. 5, Crosfield, Lanwonne, Glamorganshire, miner-Nov. 3, Barrett, Gloucester, miller-Nov. 3, Bointon, Pickering, scrivener-Dec. 9, Webb, Stourbridge, clothier-Nov.4, Dickin- son, Wolverhampton, corn-merchant-Oat. 31, Meek and Gill, Liverpool, merchants -Oct 31, Dickinson and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Oct. 31, Johnson, Liverpool, merchant-Oct. 31, Hardman, Liverpool, merchant-Oct. 31, Moffatt, Liverpool, merchant-Oct. 31, Fielding, Bbyl, Flintshire, hotel keeper-Oct. 31, R. D. and D. M. Evans, Wrexham, Denbighshire, drapers.
CaranucaTzs.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Nov. 3, Atley, Hanwell, market-gardener-Nov. 3, Dixon, Leeds, draper- Nov. 3, Freake, Hampstead Street, Fitzroy Square, victualler-Nov. 3, Ballingall, Edward Street, Portman Square, pianoforte-maker-Nov. 3, Moody, Goswell Road, pork-butcher-Nov. 5, Phillips, Cardiff, linen-draper-Nov. 3, Krass, Manchester,
share-broker-Nov. 4, Hodgson, Lancaster, watch-maker-Nov.10, Thorpe, Stafford, last-manufacturer-Nov. 1, Bond, Brierly Hill, Staffordshire, wine-merchant-Nov. 1, Dickenson, Walsall, merchant. Sarreu SECUIESTRATIONS.-Dunn, Inverness, draper, Oct. 15, Nov. 5-Slater and Robertson, Glasgow, merchants, Oct. 13, Nov. 3-Robinson and Co. Glasgow, mer- chants, Oct. 13. Nov. 3-Cameron, Glasgow, shirt-manufacturer, Oct. 15, Nov. 7- Wilson, Glasgow, manufacturer, Oct. 15, Nov. 5.