Nice White Coats
Mr. Harold Wilson has started what is obviously going to become a mad breenge into the new scientific age; in which the archetypical British Brain will no longer be a bloke drinking old port at High Table and cracking Greek jokes, but a clear-eyed close-shaven bod in a nice white coat jiggling a retort and checking mesons on the binary scale. This is fine with me. It is clearly absurd, and pathetic, that the classics should be considered more respectable than the physical sciences, when we live in a physical world. Let us have a vast realignment of priorities and snobberies. But I hope we shall remember that the physical world consists principally of us; and that therefore the humanities will remain. In an ideal .society, that lad in the white coat ought to have a copy of Proust, or Plato, or at least a tin whistle, tucked in his back pocket; and the codger at High Table will be a slick hand at re- pairing transistorised intercoms.