11 OCTOBER 1963, page 17


Some weeks ago, in this.column, I indulged in some cheap sneers (great fun, this, I enjoy it) at the American movement of "Esthetic Realism, and its defenders stunned me with......

Time Of Test

My wife is bracing herself for the driving test in a few weeks, and this may be why we have noticed that nearly everybody else in the world is writing articles about their......

The Lonely Ones

SIR,--Loneliness can be due to circumstances. but more often it is a state of mind. Of course, the environment of the house-bound mother or the newly-widowed is a lonely one,......

Nice White Coats

Mr. Harold Wilson has started what is obviously going to become a mad breenge into the new scientific age; in which the archetypical British Brain will no longer be a bloke......

National Extension College

Sus,--The Spectator is surely right to welcome the initiative taken by ACE, but if this is to lead to a genuinely national extension college then both the scale of the operation......

The Peace-makers

A friend of mine who was at the Labour Party Conference last week tells me that the Metho- dist Church scored heavily among connoisseurs of sly humour. Having this year wrested......

The Approach Of Robbins Kingsley Antis National Extension...

D. C. Peterson No Job for Judges C. B. Mawdsley The Lonely Ones .Eda Collins Lincoln Said It H. C. Beere Henry Green Gerard Keenan The Light and the Dark C. K. MacLennan......

Very Iii Winds

Hurricane Flora reminds us tritely but truly that our climate is merely lousy and not awful. In fact, our weather is such that we find much of our pleasure in being unable to......

No Job For Judges

SIR, — Mr. R. A. Cline asserts, if I understand him correctly, in his article on the judiciary that the executive has too much power over the citizen in such matters as town......