11 OCTOBER 1963, Page 15

Time of Test

My wife is bracing herself for the driving test in a few weeks, and this may be why we have noticed that nearly everybody else in the world is writing articles about their driving tests, and the horrOrs and the tensions and the improbable giggles. I suppose there's something traumatic about the test that forces people to write it out of their systems; and even the best-balanced of them become gratingly facetious on this subject. One woman recently has even described the hilarious absurdity of driving in high-heeled shoes with a shopping-bag full of potatoes under her feet, which is not merely facetious but a straightforward lie. Men are worse, of course, and the only thing that shuts them up is failing the test. We still confuse driving skill with man- hood. Myself a two-time failure, I insist on prac- tising driving and manhood at different times

and in different places. Anyway, now that I've had my say, let's have a total press blackout on the subject.