11 OCTOBER 1963, page 20

Lawyers' Loot

SIR,-1 apologise humbly to you, sir, and to Mr. Jackman, but not to 'City Solicitor'. 1 am guilty of a deliberate and indeed calculated lie, and am no more worthy to be called......

The Light And The Dark

Sta,--We note that in the Spectator, September 13, one of your contributors attempts somewhat erroneously to describe light whisky. It would appear that your contributor's......

Henry Green

SIR,—May J congratulate you on the short piece by Henry Green you publish in your issue of October 4: it is a document in the history of modern literature. It was a pleasure to......

The Lonely Ones

SIR,--Loneliness can be due to circumstances. but more often it is a state of mind. Of course, the environment of the house-bound mother or the newly-widowed is a lonely one,......

The Arts Musical Evenings

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. (Strand.) House of Cards. (Phoe- nix.)—At the Drop of Another Hat. (Hay- market.) IT is an excellent idea to put new life into......

" Lincoln Said It

Sta,—After the Labour Party Conference, it may be a good time to recall some words of wisdom by Abraham Lincoln: You cannot bring about prosperity by dis- couraging thrift; you......